Dear Mr Nicholas Medforth-Mills,
The decision that His Majesty King Michael took in August last year regarding you has surprised and upset me. It was for the first time when I thought that an important decision of His Majesty might not be fully judicious. And this has determined me to try and understand as fully as possible the reasons for which His Majesty had taken the decision (particularly since the text of the Communique appeared to me – and continues to do so – as lapidary and cryptical).
This is why for almost three months I have searched in the press and on the internet any information which could help me understand what happened. I managed to speak with persons whom, along the way, and particularly after 1997, I had known as being close to the Royal House and constantly well informed regarding it. Towards the end of November past, I managed to put together, with quite some work, an information 'puzzle' which overlapped quite well over the reasons for the August 2015 decision.
Although I have regretted and will continue to regret, in itself, your exclusion from the line of succession, I was happy that the King, again, did not take a wrongful or unjust decision. Then, at the end of November past, I would have wanted to tell you the same. But also to try and comfort, if possible, your sorrow – as I would do to a son of mine whom I care about.
Now I am writing to you to let you know what I could not do then, but also some other things which I believe are appropriate to tell you in a new factual context. A context given especially by the fact that at the end of the last tear, and the beginning of this one, Their Majesties The King and Queen and Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu became the targets of undignified and profoundly unjust attacks. Attacks which their authors link, with obviously bad intentions, with the decision of last Summer which concerns you. Because I know that you are well informed, I will just summarize: The King, unable to fulfil his role as Head of the Royal House, is the prisoner of Princess Margareta and of Prince Radu (both of them being linked to structures pertaining to the intelligence services from before and after 1989); the two have imposed on the King the exclusion of Nicholas from the succession, including with the purpose of excluding him from inheriting the royal estate (especially since it was found out that Nicholas was going to have an illegitimate child, who would also be entitled to inherit); forgeries were made at the Royal House, about which it was said they had been signed by The King (among them the Decree to exclude Nicholas, and others regarding the royal estate) etc.
Dear Mr Nicholas Medforth-Mills,
I am writing to let you know that throughout this campaign, incriminating unjustly Their Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses and wishing to victimize you (in a perfidious manner, and seeking only to disunite, just to make it clear), your voice has not been heard. A fact which made people believe even in part these untruths, which were and are well known to you as such. And the most painful consequence – which you also understand – is that the respect and trust in the Royal House could be affected, to a degree yet unknown, by the malevolence and lack of responsibility of the willing or less willing adversaries of our Royalty. But the worst thing of all seems to me that, in the middle of the unjust campaign, you yourself have incriminated, almost to the point of incitement, through a lapidary text published on 31 December 2015 on your Facebook page, the fact that in the past year, “my country was taken from me and I was taken far from you, in an exile which I have yet accepted. The respect towards His Majesty remains unshaken.”
But who “took away your country”, Mr Medforth-Mills? Not His Majesty? And if yes, what did you wish to say by adding that “The respect towards His Majesty remains unshaken”? Maybe that those who have taken up the infamy of over two decades of Corneliu Vadim Tudor, who used to say that The King is inapt and a prisoner, are right? But you know as well as anyone (and if you will contradict me I will answer!) that your grandfather personally took – fully responsibly, yet very saddened that he had to take it – that decision. You also know the best how much Prince Radu insisted, four years ago, for you to settle in the country and get involved, officially, in the Royal House's activities. You also know as well as anyone the love and attention that the Crown Princess and her husband surrounded you with. Therefore, where do these insinuations and other attitudes which sorrow everyone come from?
In the virtual space, I know very well, anything is possible, including identity theft. But if the 'posting' which I have reproduced was not yours, why did you and your mother not denounce it, immediately and unequivocally? It is being attributed to you for the past two months and has been taken up by almost the entire press and 'social media', mostly as an argument in the campaign against the Royal Family and the Royal House. In this context, the strong attack comes to mind of Neagu Djuvara, made exactly five years ago, who also incriminated Their Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses, for what he called the grossly unjust attitude towards you, consisting mainly of the fact that they were not insuring you a direct and immediate succession to the Crown. I was disappointed and sad seeing how the months and years pass without you and your mother putting things in order, even through a few lines, and not leave them where 'the old determined monarchist' Djuvara had left them, so malevolent and instigating.
How is it possible for you to consent through silence (and even more than that!) to what the detractors of Your Family are doing? It will not take long and people will find out – with irrefutable judicial evidence – about the forgeries and manipulations with which the impostor royal bastard (and also his handlers) thought he would hit hard the Royal Family. I have no doubt that some of the detractors to which I refer will be ashamed, then more than ever, of the company which they acquired unwillingly. About yourself, however, it is essential (and not yet too late) for history to remember that you were where your place was – next to your Family, a target of so many evils.
But let's not digress. As one who has finally understood what has happened before and after August 2015, I do not believe at all that someone has taken away your country and sent you into exile. On the contrary, only now have I understood why, motivating his decision, His Majesty said that after the end of the life and reign of the current Crown Princess, Romanian society will need 'a reign under the sign of modesty, well balanced, with moral principles, respect and always thinking of others'.
Of course you might honestly think that His Majesty's decision is not right. But even in this case, the attitude that you had until now does not appear to me as the most proper one.
Us Romanians had and will always have cherished role-models in your ancestors. You surely know that, although he wished for Romania and the country of his Dynasty to enter together in the First World War, Carol I submitted, properly, to the Crown Council decision of July 1914. 'After 48 years of reign I see myself abandoned', he confessed to someone, full of pain, passing suddenly two months later. And who was Carol I in the history of this country?! Only two years later, at the Crown Council in August 1916, the same happened with your great-grandfather, King Ferdinand: 'In the interest of the country whose King I am, I had to convince myself and draw the sword against the country in which I was born'. For placing above all the interest of, and the respect to the country whose King he was (a profoundly religious Catholic), he baptized your grandfather in the Orthodox rite and was excomunicated by the Vatican. This decision, unmended until the last months of his life, hurt him profoundly. And who was and will remain Ferdinand in the history of this country? And, so as I don't go on, who, for what reasons, and under what conditions took away the country of your grandfather, to send him in a long exile which was dramatic and opressive? Who was and remains Michael I in the history of this country?
To end, you have surely seen how the Royal Family was received the past December in Drobeta Turnu Severin (an example of the tens which can be given). Although they do not have so many information and 'subtleties' from the context of the past years and months, people understand very well what is happening. To each of them it was enough to see once on TV the common sense, good judgment and temperance of Their Majesties or of Their Royal Highnesses to understand that there is something that deserves attention and respect. Follow the path of truth and of respect for those who deserve it, and we will cherish and love you in the future as well. Personally, I believe that it is truly a Divine gift to have the ancestors whom you have. Follow their example and give attention to the advice received from your grandfather. And, for the rest, do not worry, your own Family and history will not wrong you. ( - January 26, 2016)
Post-scriptum: Many of what is written above seem to me to have been unfortunately foretold by your surprising interview of February 2008 with the Cotidianul newspaper (a publication then in the media network of the former president, infamous attacker of the King, and in the financial network of one of the most dishonest businessmen and Securitate person). Although the line of succession was unequivocal and irrevocable - and the rules of conduct, majestic, how else? - you gave cause for an announcement which, never denied, created much confusion for a long time: "I am ready to be the King of Romania".
Open letter to the former Prince Nicholas, articol publicat in anul 2016